Payment methods

  1. Payment for hotel services can be made as follows:


    1. In cash (RON), card (Visa or Mastercard), by the customer, at the Hotel Reception.


    1. By bank transfer, by the beneficiary based on the invoice issued by our unit within the term previously established by a service contract.


    1. Online with the bank card

    Online card payment is made through a secure payment web page. Go to the online payment page where you will find all the details of your reservation and the payment amount that you have determined that you want to pay. Fill in the fields with your card data and authorize the payment.


    Return of amounts paid online with the card:

    Cancellation is FREE and the amount paid will be fully refunded if the reservation is canceled or modified up to 2 days before the arrival date. No commission will be charged. If the reservation is canceled or modified later or in case of no-show, 100% of the full value services will be charged.

    The security and technology of online card payments:

    Online card payments are NOT processed by our company ROSSIMO REAL ESTATE S.R.L.

    Online card payments are processed by EuroPayment Services S.R.L. –, a company legally authorized in Romania to process such online transactions.

    In no way do any of the data or information regarding your card and payment amounts come into the possession of our company, nor are they stored on our servers or those of the online payment processor.

    You can access the privacy policies through the following links:,

    Your payment will be processed by those previously mentioned. Payment can also be made by bank transfer, payment order and holiday vouchers.

    The transfer and storage of your information.

    EuroPayment Services S.R.L. – is located in Romania. The information regarding the processing of your payment is stored in the European Economic Area on the servers of EuroPayment Services S.R.L. – from Romania.